[This started as a journaling exercise for myself. I wrote it after an AMAZING session with one of my clients. I wanted to capture why this session was so powerful and really try to understand my mission on a deeper level, what I ended up with was pretty powerful so I wanted to share it with you guys!] 

It truly lights me up because I see a softening in her, I see her feel the shift. I see her experience a difference and I know the part of her that is deep down in there finally feels seen and heard.  

We all have those little children inside us and so many women have fully abandoned theirs and they don't even realize it! Their inner child has been lost amidst the hustle, the grind, the accomplishments, the relationships, and the constant seeking of external validation. 

They tend to find me when they need it most and I'm willing to work through my own internal bullshit to make that easier for them (i.e. showing up more, sharing more content, etc.) 

They come to me exhausted, tired, often super successful on the outside but not so much on the inside. They know something is missing. They know something isn't working but they aren't sure what. They assume it's them. They assume that something is wrong with them (usually in the form of not being motivated enough, disciplined enough, educated enough, young enough, old enough, creative enough, structured enough, there's usually a laundry list of things they want to fix). 

They assume something is wrong with them and they come to me to help them fix it. What they have a hard time seeing on their own is how they've abandoned themselves over the years, decades, or a lifetime. They've lost sight of that part of them on the inside. The part of them that hasn't grown older over the years. The part of them that wants nothing more than to be seen, heard, validated, and supported. 

The part of them that they *unknowingly* left unattended while they worked so hard to be and do all of those things for everyone else. And they are exhausted, thankfully. Because if they weren't exhausted, frustrated, and stuck they would never know to come back home to themselves. They would spend the rest of their lives externally chasing something they'll never find. If that felt easy, they would never know to pivot so they can fix the real problem. 

This part here is my mission.

 Whether it's time management, people-pleasing, codependency, no passion, toxic career, toxic relationship, difficult employees, difficult coworkers, step children, stalled out relationships, health, weight loss, etc.

There are little pieces of gold hidden in the situations that are challenging you the most right now, and they aren't always so easy to find on your own. 

And I am a professional gold digger (sorry, I had to, 😂).

I will help you come back home to yourself. So you can feel accomplished, supported, and seen while you create the results you most want in your life.  

This is the simplest way to explain what I do, and I'd love to help you.

Click HERE to book your session with me (it's free). 

You can fill me in on your specific challenges and areas of stuckness.

And I will show you how I can turn those into little boot camps of self-discovery.

It's so damn fun and life doesn't have to feel so hard.

I've developed a brand-new consult process that is anchored in what I shared above. So feel free to book another if you'd like to go through my new process! 

Hope to see your face on Zoom soon.

Again, you can book your free session with me: HERE!

Hi! I’m Machele Galloway, a certified life coach, former hot mess, and lover of all things self-development. I have transformed the hell out of my life and and have spent well over 4,000 coaching other women to do the same in their life! I work exclusively with women one-on-one and in group format. I’ve developed a framework and process called New Bitch Energy™ which provides you the shortest path to your goals. It’s all about showing the F up AND have fun while you’re doing it (instead of trying to beating yourself up to growth).

Emotionally feel like shit? This is for you!

Emotionally feel like shit? This is for you!

Maximizing Your Daily Energy: The 24 Energy Points Concept

Maximizing Your Daily Energy: The 24 Energy Points Concept