Maximizing Your Daily Energy: The 24 Energy Points Concept

Maximizing Your Daily Energy: The 24 Energy Points Concept

I came up with a concept called “energy points” that I use with my clients from time to time.

So many of us set ourselves up for failure by placing massive expectations on what we need to accomplish to feel good about ourselves.

I’m all about coming up with simple and practical approaches to help it “click”, and this one does the trick for most people, so I wanted to share it with you too!

So basically, the idea is that you get 24 energy points to spend each day.

[Shout out to my former genius client, Lauren, for pointing out that I should make it 24 instead of 25 since there are 24 hours in a day.🤣]

  • If you have 24 energy points each day, have your own back and decide ahead of time how you want to use your energy points. Look at your to-do lists, your appointments, your self-care (aka your wellbeing), and decide from a calm and intentional space how you want to spend those points and then get really good at honoring those decisions. 

  • Some days you might only have 15 points available to you depending on how well you slept, your ability to manage stress, etc. You can ask yourself each morning…how much energy do I have to spend and where is it best spent? 

  • Do you have the habit of trying to force yourself to spend 75 energy points in a day and then beating yourself up for not being productive, motivated, or disciplined enough?  Food for thought Why are you doing that? What fuels that desire? Better yet: How could you let off the gas pedal a bit and have your own back a little (or a lot) more? If you don’t interrupt this cycle, you’ll find yourself living in a perpetual state of being the prisoner and the warden and life is wayyyyyy to short for that misery.  

  • If your life is such that there are 75 energy points expected out of you from the others in your life, it might be a good time to learn the art of saying No or to find a seat at a new table. (Coaching tip: make sure that others genuinely expect those things from you and you’re not projecting your own expectations onto them. This piece is super important. And if you don’t know how to tell the difference, I can help with that. I coach on this all the time! It’s quite simple and empowering.)

I can’t tell you how many women come to me totally beaten down because they’re not keeping up with everything. They want to figure out why they aren’t productive enough, or motivated enough, or self-disciplined enough, etc.

They are legit working full time at a job that requires them to travel with a demanding boss and under-the-bus-I-throw coworkers, or CEO’ing a multi-million dollar company, trying to raise MULTIPLE children in a post-covid world full of social media landmines and bullying, trying to manage the ever-swinging hormones that us women are so fortunate to get to experience, and trying to maintain a healthy relationship with a significant other that brings all of their problems to the table.

And then they’re beating themselves up for not being able to lose weight, or keep the house clean enough, or because they're not a good enough wife, employee, daughter, sister, friend, mom, etc. Y’all!

Please for the love of all the things if you are raising children, DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP EVER. Your body created other humans that you pushed out into this world, and you are keeping them alive.  The boxes are checked, the rest is bonus. 

Who gives a shit if your laundry is piled up? Or if there’s dust on the baseboards, or that you could create a felt character from all the dust on your ceiling fan blades, who cares? And who cares if someone else cares? SERIOUSLY! 

Have your own back, you’re out there going through the gauntlet. If I had children, I would go through the world looking like that bus driver from South Park with a house in shambles, lol. Being human is not always so easy and being human while raising other humans in the world today is no joke!

Geez, wow, okay so I had somewhat of an out of body experience there for a minute lol. And I’m back…

Energy points, yes.

Um the entire point of this blog is to let you know that my concept exists in real life now! Well, I’m just connecting the dots now.

Several of my amazing clients got together and gifted me an Oura Ring for Christmas and I’m obsessed (thank you everyone, seriously, so thoughtful)! It tracks everything! These are the scores that I think are similar to the energy points idea:

Your readiness score: Determines how ready you are for the day. It will give you little messages like “hey, your heart rate was elevated late into the night. Best to take it easy today and give yourself some extra rest.” I can tell a drastic difference in my Pickleball skills when my Readiness score is higher or lower than usual. I’m trying to honor my body and hold off on Pickleball if my score is low, but the struggle is real y’all.

Your activity score: Basically, let’s you know how many calories you should aim to burn based on all the data (sleep, heart rate, HRV, readiness score, oxygen levels, etc.)

I use all the data in my own personal new bitch tracker just to measure trends and shifts (I will share this tracker at some point, I’m fine tuning all the deets, but I LOOOOVVVVEEE it). 

However, I primarily pay attention to the Readiness score. If my score is super low, I will drop in some restorative self-care (Yoga, meditation, herbal teas, time outside, and just good old-fashioned rest). If it’s high, I go all out and let my body move and do what it wants to do.

So, I’ll close out this rabbit-hole meandering blog by encouraging you to at least experiment with approaching your day-to-day life using the concept of energy points and see how it goes. It doesn’t have to be some big undertaking, just start today simply by asking and answering the below questions of yourself.

How much energy do I have at my disposal today? (Try to put a number on it)

If I get out of my head and truly focus solely on today, what task matters most?

What can I take off my plate?

What could I add to my plate? (If your energy is high, might as well make it easier for future you)

How can I take care of my own wellbeing today and make it easier for me to wake up with 24 points tomorrow?

I really hope this was helpful and you gained a nugget or two.

If you have an Oura Ring, I’d love to learn any tips and tricks as I’m still new. Drop me an email by clicking HERE.

And if you don’t, I highly encourage you to snag one. They aren’t cheap ($300), but totally worth it! FYI - Samsung is set to release a competitive line that should be more affordable than the Oura ring but not sure on timing and all that jazz.

Comment below about which parts clicked for you. I always love hearing from y’all. 😊

Interested in hiring me as your life coach? You can book a consult HERE!

Hi! I’m Machele Galloway, a certified life coach, former hot mess, and lover of all things self-development. I have transformed the hell out of my life and and have spent well over 4,000 coaching other women to do the same in their life! I work exclusively with women one-on-one and in group format. I’ve developed a framework and process called New Bitch Energy™ which provides you the shortest path to your goals. It’s all about showing the F up AND have fun while you’re doing it (instead of trying to beating yourself up to growth).



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