Somewhere between yesterday and tomorrow...


There are times we go through life-changing experiences. 

Those moments where you know that your life will never be the same. 

You lose your job or decide to resign. 

You finalize your divorce. 

The people close to you drop bombs in your lap. 

The big ones. 

And you find yourself in this fragile space somewhere between yesterday and tomorrow. 


You don't know what your future holds. 

But you know life will never be the same. 

You have no idea how you're going to get through it. 

Everything that was once familiar is in the rearview mirror. 

The path ahead is foggy, unknown, and oozing with uncertainty. 

And you feel vulnerable AF. 

The fear-based side of your brain wakes up.  

The overly ambitious security guard.  

The part of you that hyper focuses on all the things that could go wrong.  

And then you slip into taking responsibility for all the things. 

Beat yourself up. 

You shoulda, coulda, woulda. 

You believe that this is catastrophic and the worst possible thing that could ever happen to you, and you should have prevented it. 

But what if you're wrong? 


When your brain offers you that this is the worst thing that has ever happened, you can add Maybe

Maybe, but maybe it's not. 

Many of my "worst things ever" experiences helped me course correct in a way that I wouldn't have on my own. 

I can look back on those situations and see precisely how they created space for a life I didn't even have on my radar because I didn't even know it was an option for me. 

Sometimes shit needs to get flipped upside down. 

Is your divorce the worst thing ever? Maybe. 

But maybe, just maybe, it's not. 

Maybe this is what you need to set you on a journey of self-discovery and self-love. 

...a journey that would have been impossible inside that marriage.

Maybe you look back a year from now and feel thankful for the divorce.  

Because it forced you to create a life that you didn't even know was possible FOR YOU. 

A life that isn't even on YOUR radar because you don't even know it's an option.  

Maybe you learn that you can always take care of yourself and you know that you are always safe. 

...regardless of what is going on in the world. 

You can shift everything with Maybe

Don't rush to feel better. 

Give yourself space to process what you're going through. 

Learn the lessons that you need to learn. 

And love yourself throughout the process. 

And when your brain offers you the worst-case scenario, give equal air time to what's on the other side of maybe. 

...because this could end up being the best worst thing that ever happened for you. 

Take it one day at a time. 

You don't need to have all the answers right now. 

You only need to focus on what you need today, this hour, this minute. 


P.S. If you're stuck in nomansland and struggling, I can help you learn how to hold space for the sadness, navigate the pain, and carve out a future that you don't realize is available for you. I will help you see your blind spots and let you know how I could help support you during the process. You can book your discovery call here


What if you're wrong?