Tony Soprano and Spring Cleaning

Tony Soprano and Spring Cleaning

Today is my birthday, and I thought I was a year older than I am. I've done that for the last several years, so bizarre. But it's always in my favor, so it's like I'm turning a year younger. 

What a year this one has been - probably the best year I've ever had, definitely not the easiest, but the best. I am obsessed with my life right now, and it's so crazy to me. I have so many things that I could spin out over and stress out about, but I don't. Sure, I'll have to check myself from time-to-time because I still have a human brain.

But, for the first time, I know that I will figure it all out, and I will always have my own back. Whatever comes up. I'm sure I'll fail many times over the next year as I get out of my comfort zone and try new things. And that's okay too. I have to fail to grow - no way around that. 

I know how to take full responsibility for my life and my happiness without any person or circumstance having to change. And this has been an absolute game changer for me. I work on it daily, but it is the work worth doing. 

Next year is going to be an intense year for me because I'm going full steam ahead. I will be stacking up failures, successes, feeling vulnerable and fearful (on purpose), and living life more thoroughly than I ever have. 

I didn't really take any time off this year other than the week after my last day at my previous job, but that was a heavy emotional week and not really "time off." So I'm taking some time off now through the end of the year. 

I'm still doing my coaching calls because I freaking love doing those, but I'm giving the business side of it a break. I'm going to do some late spring cleaning of the house and hanging out with Chica and Kiki. 

Kiki (the one on the left side of the pic) is my Mom's dog. AKA: Tainten, Turpen, Keeks, Tainty, and Turpentiner. She is staying with me for three weeks while my Mom is out of town — Chica (lying down)  is my dog. AKA: Chicken, Puddin' Belly, Terty Durdel, Cheeks. 

These two are nuts.

They are best friends, for sure, but it's a little toxic. Chica is in charge. She has to check Kiki from time-to-time. She will go into full-blown Tony Soprano mode and mean mug Kiki like it's her job. They will be about 2" from each other's faces while Chica assaults Kiki with her eyes. Kiki will hunker down, lower her ears, start tearing up, but she will not look away. [I have a cute video of this on TikTok (@macheleg)]

She looks like she's standing in a rainstorm, and gets as low as she possibly can. It's so funny and fun to watch. Kiki never challenges Chica, so I don't know why she plays that little game, but they do and Kiki takes it like a true follower. 

So I'll spend the remainder of the year enjoying the holidays, spring cleaning, and getting prepared for a big 2020. And, playing Grey Gardens (minus Big Edie) with these two bitches. 

Machele Galloway is a Certified Life Coach through The Life Coach School. She's based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and specializes in helping her clients manage their time and their minds. She firmly believes that you can't manage one without managing the other. She virtually coaches women nationwide. If she isn't coaching clients, she is studying concepts and techniques. And if she isn't doing that, she's probably playing with a dog somewhere. If you are interested in working with Machele, click here to schedule your free consultation to find out if it’s a good fit for you.

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