"Wrong Problem" Problems...

I spent a lot of time last month trying to solve the wrong problem and it was exhausting. Let me explain...We all get so caught up in our own lives that it can be impossible for us to see our circumstances objectively. We aren't able to see the forest through the trees. I manage my mind like a ninja — every day, all day. I do my…
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My word of the year | 2020

This word of the year thing seems to be a thing now, so I'm in. I thought about how the last few months have gone and what I want to accomplish this year. It's a lot - I have some pretty big goals. I was going to go with Growth or Authenticity, but I decided to take another approach. I have a hefty goal for my coaching business.
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Tony Soprano and Spring Cleaning

Today is my birthday, and I thought I was a year older than I am. I've done that for the last several years, so bizarre. But it's always in my favor, so it's like I'm turning a year younger. What a year this one has been - probably the best year I've ever had, definitely not the easiest, but the best. I am obsessed with my life right now, and…
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Feeling lonely during the holidays...

It's pretty crazy when I think about where I am in my life right now. I spent the majority of my adulthood doing my best to avoid negative emotions at all costs. Fear? I'm out. Vulnerability? Not a chance. Discomfort? Next. I thought by creating a life that essentially eliminated my need to experience these emotions would finally bring me happiness. If I could…
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My neighbor wears earrings

Barb has been my neighbor since I moved into my house over ten years ago. She's probably flirting with eighty years old, cute as a button, and lives alone. Her husband passed away about four years ago after a long and painful battle with Alzheimer's. Her family and his family have been hit hard with the disease. It's something crazy, I don't remember the exact number
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I've had to go to NYC for a tradeshow Thanksgiving weekend for the last several years. We would all commiserate about that show - it would overshadow Thanksgiving and was our least favorite trip of the year. NYC is a cool place to be during the holidays, so we would make the best of it, but the cab ride back to the airport on the way home was always our…
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