Your Internal Bully

One of the best habits you can implement is to start calling BS on your thoughts. It's simple, yet nobody ever tells us to do this. We have around 6,000 thoughts each day. I'm going to guess that about 5,750 aren't even true. They are just optional thoughts floating around. Yet, most of us don't even question the validity.
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My $800 Month

I'm going to share an example of why what you think is more important than what you do. I thought this was super “woo-woo” and fluff for most of my life, I was all about the action. I was wrong, and I wanted to share a powerful example. Be super curious about how this could apply to any of your current struggles.
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Figuring out "The How"

"I just need to figure out how to do this first." "I'll feel confident and committed once I figure out "how" to hit this goal." I often hear this from my clients when we start discussing their goals. I took the same approach, for YEARS. I read all of the books, took the courses, watched the YouTube videos, etc. I spent more time figuring
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Our brains feed us buckets of bullshit. [They are actually hard-wired to do so, but I won't get too nerdy on that part.] And we believe most of it. We don't even pause to question them. I'll never have a healthy relationship. I always seem to f--- things up. I'm too damaged for someone to love. I'm all alone. I never do what I say... <<Click to Continue>>

Worst Case Scenario

Many of my clients are hyper focused on protecting themselves from so many things (getting hurt, failing, screwing up, taking a risk that doesn't pan out, getting their hearts broken, etc.) Protecting myself was my main focus for most of my adult life. I hyperfocused on the worst-case scenario like a freaking rain man so I could make sure there was no possible way it could happen. And I was pretty damn good at it, unfortunately. <<Click to Continue>>