Santa is never real (again)...

I just finished a client session and she had one of the magical, bone-deep permanent belief shifts. She couldn't go back to her old thinking if she tried. Impossible. She had been struggling to complete a big project for MANY months. It was a massive project both in scope and skill - it required her to get out of her comfort zone…
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Disappointment Safety

Our brains will convince us that there is safety in disappointment. That somehow, it's better to feel disappointed now than to have hope and risk potential disappointment if the thing we want doesn't happen. For example, I have a new client that wants to get out of debt. This goal has had prime real estate in her brain for many years.
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"Fix-it" Detox

One of my clients has been on a mission to fix what is wrong with her since she was in high school and is over 50 now. She can even pinpoint the exact moment that she realized that “something was wrong with her.” She has been on a relentless mission to fix this long list of self-perceived flaws for well over 30 years. She's too…
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"I'm such an idiot"

One of my new time management clients came to her session feeling defeated. In our previous session, we had mapped out her full week for the first time. She was excited, motivated, and couldn't wait to get started. We set her goal, broke down all of the actions, and put the puzzle together on her calendar. She was crushing it
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Hugging a Cactus 🌵

The area I'm trying to level up in my personal life these days is around my relationships with other people. It's my next big area of growth, and there's a lot of work to do in that area because I have been messy, lol. I wanted to share a glimpse into some work I had to do around one of my relationships recently because I think it…
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All-or-None Mentality Game 🎲

My default mode used to be all or none. I didn't realize so many people struggled with the same thing. It can be an excellent trait or a disastrous trait, depending on what you're all-or-none-ing. I would typically "all" at work and "none" at home. My house would be a disaster zone, or I would deep clean all weekend—no middle…
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