How to stop beating yourself up.

I was the worst at beating myself up. The relationship that I had with myself back in the day was awful. I had this prisoner/warden vibe going, and needless to say, it was miserable. I couldn't understand how people didn't do that. I genuinely could not wrap my head around how/why people didn't beat themselves up when they made a mistake. They must have learned during childhood, or maybe they didn't have as…
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How to better yourself...

Many of my new clients come to me wanting to better themselves. They're tired, and they want to feel productive, happy and fix all of the things that are wrong with them. I get it. I was on a hyperfocused mission to find out what was wrong with me for the bulk of my 30's. I wanted to find what was wrong with me so I…
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Goals and happy endings

I've always been a big fan of having (and accomplishing goals). For many years I had goals to prove my worth or to get external validation. I certainly didn't realize that was my motivation at the time. It motivated me to do more, to go bigger, to produce more. It became exhausting, and it never really worked. I never felt validated because…
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How-to: Evaluate your week

I walk my clients through a process where we evaluate their week. Personally, it's one of my favorite things to do. Sit down with a notepad and make a list. What worked well this week? What didn't work well this week What can I do differently next week? It's easy to forget the things that worked well and only focus on what didn't work.
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