Here's a secret

I’m going to let you in on a secret. Avoiding your big goal is harder than chasing it. Several of my new clients were hesitant to reach out because they were afraid that it would be too hard. They weren’t sure if they were ready to do “what I would tell them to do” (I don’t do this by the way, lol) They were afraid of their goal.
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Productive Pain...

You should feel like shit when you're chasing big goals or transformation. I never knew this. I always thought it meant I wasn't ready, motivated enough, or just wasn't “mean to be.” What I didn't know is that, if I wanted to create new results in my life, I would have to be willing to feel awful.
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The most important question...

I look at self-care as giving yourself what you need without judgment or apology. I'm talking about what you need deep down. Checking in with ourselves when we are struggling and asking a super simple question… “What do I need?" (we always know). We often hope others will take care of that for us…
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Why NOT you?

Your situation isn't so unique that you're a lost cause. Never. If you have a super loud inner critic and a ton of self-doubt, it's not a sign of anything. It just means that you have a brain that needs to be managed. You aren't too far gone. I had a client who was convinced that she had gotten as far as she could with self-development…
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